Too much time on Facebook may result in divorce, experts say. Eighty percent of family divorce lawyers have noticed a significant increase in mentions of Facebook during proceedings, ABC News reports. New research suggests that the social media giant is not only making more appearances in court; it may also be at the heart of marital problems.
Is Facebook Causing Rifts in Marriages?
Facebook may facilitate cheating. Inappropriate messages and/or posts on social media may also foster feelings of jealousy or contempt, ABC News adds. A growing number of spouses are using Facebook as a means to cheat, multiple sources say. “Individuals who use Facebook excessively are far more likely to experience Facebook…related conflict with their romantic partners, which then may cause negative relationship outcomes including emotional and physical cheating, breakup, and divorce,” a University of Michigan study reveals.
Ilana Gershon, author of The Breakup 2.0: Disconnecting Over New Media, describes another emerging trend: “One of the things I found was that people would sometimes turn to these media as a way to finally end the relationship. They would use a medium that was so unacceptable that it would make the other partner furious…”
Divorced Couples Mention Social Media in Court
More than a third of modern divorce papers include the word “Facebook.” Family law divorce lawyers remind clients that Facebook posts, statuses, and messages are not sacred — and may very well end up in court. “Married couples often have dozens of mutual friends and connections. If the marriage breaks up, obviously some of these people will be more loyal to one spouse than the other. I’ve had more than one client report a steady stream of information about her estranged husband’s financial activities, as relayed by mutual friends who were still following his Facebook updates,” one lawyer tells Forbes. If it is time to find a family lawyer or uncontested divorce lawyer, Americans may want to consider screening Facebook for any inappropriate or incriminating posts. Delete any angry or vengeful posts immediately.
Couples who frequent Facebook too much may also have trouble keeping their marriages together. More spouses use Facebook to cheat, or bring inappropriate Facebook messages to their lawyer.
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