Author: admin

  • Divorcing Couples Want to Know Who Gets the Pets?

    Custody battles are not just about children. According to the National Pet Owners Survey, 71.1 million American households include at least one cat or dog — and that creates problems when couples divorce. In fact, a surprising number of people are much more willing to part with an ex-spouse than with their beloved pets. “The…

  • Can Tetris Treat PTSD Symptoms?

    Why is everyone talking about post traumatic stress disorder? At least 22 veterans succumb to suicide in any given day, CBS News reports. Recent data shows that suicide rates, especially among young male vets, continue to climb astronomically. The upsetting trend is not going unnoticed. The government and other officials are re-evaluating current post traumatic…

  • Why Are Fathers Suing Utah?

    In Utah, Biological mothers are giving up their children for adoption without the fathers’ consent. Current laws do not require women to notify fathers. At least 12 men are suing the state, hoping to change that. The men are seeking financial restitution and asking the state of Utah to reconsider its current adoption laws. “Adoptions…

  • Are You Being Harassed at Work?

    Did you know, according to the Public Broadcasting Station, Americans from 22 to 65 spend between 40 and 50% of their awake hours at work? By giving your limited time to an employer, it is expected that your rights as an employee will be protected and respected whenever you step through the doors. Unfortunately, that’s…

  • Insurance Carriers Deny Family Plans to Same-Sex Married Couples

    The U.S. Department of Justice announced on Monday that federal courts, prisons, and programs would treat married same-sex spouses indiscriminately, granting them the same recognition and privileges as heterosexual married couples. In some states, however, the motion fails to address major discrepancies in healthcare and other important areas. Do State Laws Promote Unfair Treatment? NPR…

  • Use an Office Furniture Installation Checklist When Moving

    If your business is growing, it may be time to move into a bigger space. You can look at this as a sign of your success when you need more office space. While this can be exciting, the idea of moving your office may be causing some stress. Here are some ideas you can use,…