In Utah, Biological mothers are giving up their children for adoption without the fathers’ consent. Current laws do not require women to notify fathers. At least 12 men are suing the state, hoping to change that. The men are seeking financial restitution and asking the state of Utah to reconsider its current adoption laws.
“Adoptions need to be done ethically, legally, and constitutionally. And above all, they need to be done with the consent and the knowledge and the awareness of both biological parents,” Wes Hutchins, president of the Utah Council for Ethical Adoption Practices, told Fox News. Fox News adds that others equate the Utah Adoption Act with “legalized fraud and kidnapping.”
Does Utah Promote Questionable Adoption Practices?
Some suggest, moreover, that the state does not just allow adoption without the consent or knowledge of the father — but actively encourages it. Fox News continues, “The suit also alleges that some Utah adoption agencies coach women on how to keep the adoption secret from the biological father. Among the evidence cited are secretly recorded phone conversations between adoption representatives.” Fox reveals a condemning snippet of phone conversation. “Utah has the best adoption laws because you don’t have to say who the father is. Even if the father doesn’t sign the papers, you can still put the baby up for adoption,” an adoption center representative said to a caller.
Another father believes a Utah adoption agency coached the mother to prevent him from getting custody of his son. “I believe they told her the things she needed to do to make it happen as far as not accepting money from me, keeping me away from the birth and not giving me pictures, all that other stuff. Just keeping me in the dark about what was going on,” he told Fox.
Child Custody Attorneys Step Up
If your child was put up for adoption without your consent, an attorney for child custody may be able to help. The best child custody lawyers help both parents — mothers and fathers — get a fair say in their children’s upbringing.
Are you a victim of Utah’s vague adoption laws? Speak to an attorney for child custody for monetary and legal restitution. More on this. Find out more here.