Five Times You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

You have been injured in some way: is it time to start a search for a “personal injury lawyer near me?” Thankfully, most personal injury lawyers will happily give you a consultation at no cost and this can help you understand what your rights are and what your next step could be if you have been hurt in an accident. There are some really good reasons to start out that search for a personal injury lawyer near me, and here are five of them:

You Aren’t Sure About the Statute of Limitations

When it comes to medical malpractice in particular, there are important considerations with the statute of limitations. This is a state law that requires you to bring an action against the doctor or medical facility within a specific period of time. If you wait too long, you will not be allowed to bring a claim. Because these cases can vary, it’s important that you get the advice of a competent lawyer as soon as possible after you suspect there has been malpractice. This is partly because these claims take a lot of work and investigation. The sooner you get started, the better chance you have of getting the help and compensation you deserve.

You Are Talking with Insurance Companies

Whether you’ve been hurt in a car accident, an accident at work, or in a medical malpractice situation, you’re certainly going to start having discussions with various insurers. While some insurance companies will be faithful to their obligations, it’s not at all uncommon for an insurance company to do everything they can to mitigate their loss. They may claim that the situation does not fall under their coverage or that the entity responsible for your injury should not be covered by them. It can be complicated to sort through all the language that an insurance carrier will use, so it’s important to start that search for a “personal injury lawyer near me” as soon as possible. That way you have advice when the insurance companies come calling.

Insurance Companies Have Expert Assistance

Speaking of insurance companies, they typically have the upper hand in these cases in part because they have so much money and so many legal resources to help them. It can be almost impossible for one individual to go it alone against a powerful and wealthy insurance company. Getting a personal injury attorney on your side as quickly as possible means that you also have access to expert help and advice that can be invaluable.

You Aren’t Sure About Liability

Personal injury cases can be very complicated. As an example, in car accidents that involve large trucks, it can be unclear who is ultimately at fault. Even if the driver of the truck caused the accident, was he being pushed to drive too long by an aggressive trucking company that forces its employees to ignore standard safety procedures? Could the manufacturer of the truck itself be at fault because of a mechanism of some sort that failed? Could the trucking company have neglected routine maintenance on the vehicle, and was this the actual cause of the accident?

In a situation like this, you can expect everyone involved to shift blame if at all possible. That’s when you should be online looking for “personal injury lawyer near me.” You need an expert in the law who understands issues of liability to help you understand who is ultimately at fault and how you should proceed with a suit.

You Just Don’t Know

There are cases where people are badly injured but no one is ultimately at fault. There are times when there simply is no case for a personal injury claim. At other times, though, you may think you have no claim when in reality you do. If you’re not a lawyer yourself, you are not an expert in this matter and it would be wise to consult with someone who is. Then you can find out whether you should proceed at all.

If you been hurt and suspect that the negligence of another person is to blame, don’t hesitate to start a search for a ” personal injury lawyer near me.”