Author: admin

  • Are You Understanding Legal English As Well As You Should?

    If you’ve ever attempted to read a piece of past legislation and found yourself unable to understand the language, you’re not alone. Legal English barely resembles modern American English, and is in many cases difficult to decipher and understand for the everyday citizen. However, what you might not know is that there are a variety…

  • What to Know About Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

    Each year, millions of car accidents take place on American roads. Some are minor, while others involve injury to one or all parties involved. In these cases, hiring an attorney may be necessary. Many people are hesitant to hire an attorney after an accident because they do not know if they can afford one or…

  • Personal Injury and Divorce Lawyers

    If you have been hurt on the job or elsewhere, finding a lawyer who is an expert in personal injury law will be the proper course of action. If you have been injured, chances are, you have expensive medical bills piling up. If you believe that someone else is at fault for your injuries, it…

  • How to Prove Legal Liability in Personal Injury Accidents

    Did you know that 20% of individuals will experience a disability during their prime working years of 21-64? Many of these disabilities are caused by personal injury, which results in one person getting injured at the hands of another person. There are several types of personal injury that can occur at any time, so if…

  • Three Common Myths You Might Believe About Drunk Driving Arrests

    Every minute in America, one person is injured in an alcohol-related car accident. Tallied up, that’s over 10,000 people who die every single year from drunk driving crashes. Couple that with expensive criminal defense attorney fees, and you have a recipe for a highly disastrous decision. In case it hasn’t been made abundantly clear to…

  • Shocking Ways to Treat PTSD

    Our veterans are in danger — even after returning home. “Every day, 22 veterans take their own lives. That’s a suicide every 65 minutes,” CNN reports. The troubling numbers raise important questions about is being done — and what more we can do. The unfortunate truth is that traditional programs, such as group and/or talk…