There are approximately 68 million people in the United States that have a criminal record. Every year, an estimated 10,000 individuals may be wrongfully convicted of a serious crime. As a result, innocent people have served roughly 3,944 years in prison.
While DNA evidence has overturned more than 300 convictions since 1989, these individuals have obviously lost more than their time and freedom. To begin with, it may be difficult to re-establish connections with family and friends. Then there are the potential challenges associated with returning to other aspects of their former lives such as schools, jobs, or careers.
Research has shown that throughout their lifetime, 1 in 4 women will be the victim of domestic violence. While the severity of these cases does vary, this type of violence has resulted in death. In 2 out of 3 homicide cases involving women, for example, an intimate partner or family member was responsible.
Children can be traumatized and otherwise suffer a variety of issues when they witness domestic violence in their own homes. Recent figures shows that every year, over 3 million children are subjected to this type of violence. Furthermore, 30% to 60% of children living in homes where domestic violence is present also suffer neglect or abuse. The incidence of child neglect and abuse is higher in these home situations.
In some of the above situations, personal items and other belongings may go missing. This might include valuables, important files, household items, and vehicles. If someone has also been accused of stealing these or other items, then obtaining the services of a theft lawyer would be an important step to take. As with other types of attorneys, a theft lawyer will be able to inform the individual of their rights and responsibilities and provide counsel accordingly.
Whether you need a domestic violence defense attorney, an attempted murder defense lawyer, or a murder defense lawyer, you want the highest level of legal representation possible. Since you want and deserve a highly respected lawyer to assist you with your case, it’s important to note that they will be caring and compassionate during this challenging time.