For many families, the winter holiday season is not festive. For children who are struggling as the court system decides whether or not their abusive parent will be granted visitation, the holiday season may provide too much time to reflect. Too much time in the offices of child custody attorneys while the best parent struggles to explain the implications of the wrong decision.
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence estimates that every nine seconds in the US, a woman is assaulted or beaten. Every nine seconds a woman is forced to relive a nightmare that she may not think she can escape. This means that nearly 4.8 million women in the U.S. experience physical violence by an intimate partner every year.
When these victims of abuse finally have the courage, the strength, and the support to visit a family law firm and seek child custody legal advice, they are hoping to take the first of many steps in the right direction. They are hoping to find family law advice that can help them close the door on the nightmares that have been haunting them and their children.
Having the very best legal advice from the most qualified attorneys increases the chance of these women and their children getting the results they deserve. Without the very best attorneys, the results can be disappointing and even disastrous. Without the necessary child support, and restraining orders if they are needed, a recently divorced woman can find herself in a situation that can feel nearly as desperate as her past marriage.
Almost 62.3% of the money owed in child support was received. In other words, on average, custodial parents who receive child support get about $311 per month, an average of $3,770 per year. Courts make decisions about divorces, restraining orders, child support and, if needed, penalties for missing child support payments. Even though it is the court and its judges that make the decisions, the attorneys presenting the cases often have the most impact. If you do not hire the best attorney to represent you, chances are that you will not get the settlement you deserve for you and your children.
Child custody attorneys are especially important so that the children in these cases are given the best opportunity for a better life. An inexperienced attorney may be absolutely no match for the complicated system of divorce filings, court proceedings and appeals. Rather than subject your child to another holiday season full of pain, make sure that you are working with the best child custody attorneys you can find.