Month: February 2015

  • What Happens If I Get a DUI?

    Driving under the influence is extremely dangerous not only to the driver, but to others around them. Unfortunately, driving under the influence is a fairly common occurrences. While Ohio law enforcement generally refer to DUIs as OVIs — operating a vehicle under the influence — they are the same thing. Research shows that over 1.1…

  • Considering a Divorce? Ask a Family Lawyer For Advice and Counsel

    Love and marriage, as the Sinatra song goes, go together like a horse and carriage. However, after looking at American divorce rates, it is difficult to see the Voice’s point. After all, the statistics are heartbreaking (no pun intended). Nearly half of all marriages in the U.S. eventually end in divorce. The figures for multiple…

  • The 3 Things You’ll Have to Prove in an Accident Injury Lawsuit

    Car or trucking accident injury lawsuits — indeed, any kind of personal injury lawsuits — fall under a legal category known as tort law. Most generally, tort law is intended to compensate people who have been harmed physically, mentally or financially by another person’s wrongdoing. If you’re considering actually filing a lawsuit or seeking car…

  • The Terminology You Need to Know Going Into a Personal Injury Case

    For laypeople whose only contact with the legal system has come through watching Law and Order or late-night auto accident injury attorneys’ infomercials, it can be confusing to dive into the world of tort law and personal injury lawsuits. Unfortunately, workplace or auto injury lawsuits are often the only way to get fair injury settlements…

  • 5 Tips the Best Auto Injury Attorneys Will Give You

    If you’re hurt in an auto accident, one of the biggest decisions you’ll eventually need to make is whether to hire an auto injury attorney to help you receive the money you need to cover your medical expenses. But regardless of whether this is necessary — which will depend largely on the complexity of the…